Friday, June 21, 2013


I've been interested in historical things for ages.  Seriously, what nine year old girl wants to be an archeologist?  Hit a tipping point when I went to my first Renaissance Faire (which was the most itty bitty of faires, very small, middle of nowhere, but much fun!) and marveled at the wonderful costumes some people were wearing.

And then I just spiraled down, getting sucked further and further into the history of costuming and sumptuary laws and background on plant dyes and so on.  Until I finally decided that I must have my own fantastic costume to wear.

Unfortunately for me, sewing is not my only hobby.  It's about one in a dozen.  So, while I have started a costume, it is nowhere near finished.  (Except the underwear!  I have a smock!)

Also, add in the fact that I am wary of sewing machines.  So, handsewing.  (Period appropriate, I tell myself!)

Hence, a blog!  To document and coerce myself into getting more pieces of my costume done.  After all, if I finish my kirtle, I can actually go out in it!  (Underdressed, yes, but not in just a smock!)

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