Monday, June 24, 2013


Went to try and work on my kirtle, and discovered that due to being unceremoniously shoved in a pile for...lets not actually count how long... it is, SURPRISE, all wrinkled.

Then I went to dig out my iron.  My tiny travel iron.

For some backstory, I'm sick.  Mostly fine, unless I move, and then pounding head, have to lie down sick.  It's winding down now, but while I was looking for my iron, it was at it's peak.

I tore my (not that large) apartment apart looking for my iron.  Twice.  Before finding it buried in the bottom of a drawer.  But the detachable cord?  Not so much.  Pretty sure it's lost in time and space.

Then I had to go have a lie down.

So today I finally caved in, and after recruiting some far more experienced opinions, ordered myself an actual full sized iron that I don't have to be ashamed of (and with an INTEGRAL CORD THAT CANNOT BE LOST) on Amazon.  Along with a few books, because I was an entire six cents below free shipping.  And then a few more books because hey, free shipping!  If I'm going to order things, might as well order things!

So I've postponed my kirtle construct for another week or so.  But if it keeps taking up space, I won't be able to ignore it, and I'll have to finish it soon, right?  Right?

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